Turn your Software as a Service (SaaS) into SMARTWARE

There are thousands of Software as a Service (SaaS) applications for sale on the web today.  Everything from CRM software to many of the popular online games such as World of Warcraft (WoW).  Most of these applications run in data centers just like ours.  They are run on dedicated or co-located servers usually at the lowest possible combination of features and associated costs.  These people and businesses that offer applications online generally see servers and data centers as a necessary evil.  They are not in the business of setting up servers, data networking, and infrastructure management.  This represents a technology prospective based on the traditional of doing things and reflects the way things were in the good old days.

Cloud computing, cloud servers, Platform as a Service (PaaS), and hosted services offer a much more flexible and economical way of getting your SaaS application to end users without wasting your time and resources on physical servers.  True cloud computing solutions are easily controlled from a web-based control panel that allow you to add / change / remove processing power, memory, and storage as needed.  Couple that flexibility with advanced monitoring services that alert you when your CPU or memory run at 80% capacity and you instantly get a Smartware platform.  Smartware systems automatically tell you when you need more resources.  You can start small and grow at the exact point when you need resources.  If you see a downturn in use, you can remove resources producing instant savings.

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Thinking of moving to the CLOUD?

Recently, most conversations with clients and prospects revolve around cloud services and how it can work for their particular situation. If they have dedicated or co-located servers, they want to get rid of them. Afterall, there are very few people in the ‘server’ business.  The servers are just a delivery tool.  Once you understand that, you can see how using a high availability cloud infrastructure is the obvious choice.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

Cloud based servers allow you to run your applications without the worry of setting up new servers, upgrading processors, adding memory, or replacing worn out fans or hard drives.  You can also add, change, or remove resources on the fly.  If you need more processing power to handle seasonal traffic or more storage space, all you have to do is add it from the control panel.  This type of service also allows you to only pay for what you need and use, so when the peak time is over, you can release the resources.

Hybrid Solutions

There are specific applications and regulatory compliance issues that limit your ability to use a cloud server, but we have a solution for that too.  Hybrid data center services allows you to combine cloud servers with your own ‘dedicated’ servers enabling you to combine economical platform as a service (PaaS) for the main ‘server’ functions and infrastructure as a service (IaaS) for specific functions such as secure storage, firewall and VPN (virtual private network) services, etc.

Here is an example: HIPAA and PCI (Payment Card Industry) compliance regulations dictate that you should use a separate hardware based firewall to protect your customers’ data (as well as many other things such as data encryption, regular software testings, access procedures, access audit trails, etc.).  We can offer a Cisco ASA that will allow you to set up a site to site VPN (virtual private network) for secure data communications between your office network & data entry computers and the server where the data is stored and processed.

Economics – Every Situation is Different

You need to look at the economics of each server setup.  If your system requires extensive resources (multiple servers setup in a cluster, with multiple processors, many GB of ram, etc.), it might be more economical to run your own equipment in a colo or dedicated environment vs using cloud resources.  There are also technical limitations and considerations that might require you to have your servers.

If you have questions or want to know more about how we can help, email sales@cera.net or give us a call.

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Just In Time (JIT) Technology

Are you looking for instant gratification from your computers?  It seems that people today are looking for a laptop that turns on instantly when they need it, an IPAD that is ready to go when you push the button, and a server that does what they need – when they need it.

Cloud computing offers quick, easy, made to order, flexible, reliable, and economical technology solutions to fit your needs NOW.  You can add and reallocate processors, memory, and storage to servers as you need it.

No more spending days figuring out what resources you need.  No more spending days trying to order equipment from Dell.  No more dedicating valuable resources to set up and configure the server.  No more finding out that the server you ordered isn’t powerful enough to handle a traffic spike when your marketing actually works…

One last thought for today:  why does the round button in the IPAD have a picture of a square on it? 

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Managed vs Unmanaged Service

If you have the option for ‘managed’ hosting / servers — get it, even if you think you cannot afford it!  What you cannot afford is downtime or countless hours trying to resolve issues.

Most people with unmanaged services do not know how to manage the servers, firewalls, software, etc.  — unless it is something you specialize in, why should you know?    Spend your time running your business and making money, not trying to figure out what ports to open on your firewall or how to configure a server.

At least once a week I receive a call from a client saying that there are problems with their setup, wanting us to fix it – NOW, and not wanting to pay for the service.  How are we supposed to offer top-notch service, when you need it, without getting paid for it?  You wouldn’t go to McDonald’s and expect free food, would you?   Many of these same clients say they chose to use our service because we offered support either by contract or ‘as needed’ at a fair and economical rate ($90 / hr — search around, it’s on the low-end).

Managed service may seem expensive, but it is actually the opposite.  We often hear from clients with service problems that they are loosing great gobs of money and that they are going to lose everything.  If your business relies on your web site, email, server, software, firewall, and everything else we have in our data center, why wouldn’t you want to make sure it is taken care of????

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Do you have your own data center / server room?

From time to time we come into contact with smb (small & medium-sized businesses) that have their own ‘data center’ / server room / closet with a computer that vaguely resembles a server.  We often ask them why!  9 times out of 10 they answer with at least two of the three following responses: a) because they want control over what goes on, b) they tried working with an outsourcing colo provider but they could not meet their needs or c) they can do it cheaper than anyone else can.

Here are my responses:
a & b) While I agree that most colo providers offer ‘their solution’ and if your needs don’t fall in line – there are going to be problems.  You need to find PEOPLE that are easy to communicate with, PEOPLE who are not boxed in by their own lack of understanding / imagination, PEOPLE who want to help.  PEOPLE that do not try to sell you a full rack colo when you only need one server running.  You get the point.

Many colo / data center solution providers push their technology.  Let’s face it the technology is basically the same once you get to a facility that has redundant systems at every turn.  Technology doesn’t solve problems.  Technology doesn’t save or earn money.  SOLUTIONS do all that.  Solutions come from people who use technology as tool. To enable the solution. AS IT IS meant to be used — a tool!

If your ‘technology partners’ don’t get this concept, start looking for someone who does (or email me at sales@cera.net and I’ll help you find someone).

c) Anyone that has ever taken an economics class has heard the term ‘economies of scale’ – let me show you how it applies: if you have a rack of equipment that runs your businesses’ technology with the same infrastructure redundant infrastructure behind it (multiple power utility power feeds, generators, redundant UPS systems, multiple redundant HVAC systems, multiple redundant high-speed fiber connections coming out of your building in different directions, etc.) and I have 50, WHO DO YOU THINK PAYS MORE PER SERVER?  We can sell you a slice of the infrastructure with all the benefits, at a fraction of the cost.

Most businesses that save money by having their server in their own server room are saving by removing pieces of the puzzle.  Low speed cable Internet connectivity vs multiple redundant high-speed 10gb fiber connections, a 5 minute retail battery backup vs enterprise UPS with power conditioning, on site generators, and multiple utility power feeds, etc.  Then they say they are going out business because their e-commerce site doesn’t work half the time OR spend 20 hours a week fighting with their cable company because they will not let them send out a bulk email to their customers instead of building their business or watching their kids play soccer.

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